Helicopter Over Beach

June Meeting In-Person

We are excited to host our first face-to-face meeting in over a year! Come out and hear about all of the fun we have planned for this summer!

Date: Saturday, June 26, 2021
Time: 10-11 a.m.
Location: St. Elisabeth’s Chapel, 3rd Avenue, Ortley Beach

We will once again meet at St. Elisabeth’s Chapel on 3rd Avenue. To be good guests and keep everyone safe, we will adhere to the procedures mandated by the Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey.

Any Individual who is not fully vaccinated (two weeks or more after the final recommended dose in their vaccine series) must wear a mask at any gathering on church property, whether indoors or outside. Those who are fully vaccinated are not required to wear masks, indoors or out. Any individual may choose to wear a mask at any time. If you are feeling ill in any way you are urged to stay home.

New members are always welcome!